City West Water GovCMS SaaS – Drupal 8 Development – Content Migration – Agile Development

City West Water engaged Bliss Digital in late 2019 to re-platform their corporate website, from an outdated .NET content management system to GovCMS SaaS - Drupal 8.

We first performed an audit of their current website and identified the best approach for redeveloping the site's main templates, content types and content blocks in Drupal 8. A detailed analysis was conducted, especially to find a method to migrate over the significant volume of content, data and documents. Our Drupal team, led by our Acquia certified Grandmasters came up with a solution to programmatically migrate the content across to GovCMS.

We ran an Agile web development process that presented key deliverables at regular sprints for user acceptance. Overall, the lift and shift onto GovCMS was performed very efficiently and the transition onto the government platform was managed very seamlessly.


Aurora Energy